
How reverse mortgages works

  When someone takes out a regular (forward) mortgage, the borrower makes monthly payments to pay the mortgage down. With a Reverse Mortgage, if you are approved there are no monthly payments and the mortgage balance instead goes up. Why would anyone what to get a reverse mortgage? First of all, not everybody can. It’s only available to borrowers who are 62 years of age or older. How much equity you can access is based on your age and how much your home is worth. It is very popular for seniors who have limited income and have very small mortgages …

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A very Roseland Christmas

  A Roseland Christmas was always aimed at the kids — and still is everywhere. I recall some of the gifts I received, but honestly, I remember getting my dad a carton of cigarettes more. I remember it being an annual dilemma: What do I get mom and dad. With a family consisting of eight kids, there was no question of whether to give our siblings gifts. That wasn’t about to happen. Our parents, that was another story entirely. I don’t remember at what age I started thinking in terms of better presents for my parents, but I know it …

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Learning how to learn Italian

“Parla italiano?” I get that question every now and then from readers calling to change an address or pay via credit card. For the longest time, I dreaded it. “No, I’m sorry,” I’d sheepishly reply. The caller would politely switch to English and on we’d go. Some of them have given me a gentle ribbing. How can the editor of an Italian-American magazine properly do his job with only English in his linguistic toolbox? I get by, but not as well as I might. In my defense, I came by my handicap honestly enough. My father — who was born …

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A black Christmas

One of my favorite Christmas memories is the year a white Christmas turned black. It all started out on Christmas Eve day in Riis Park, a square-block-sized patch of recreational outlets plunked in the middle of our Chicago neighborhood. I tagged along with my two older brothers to go ice-skating in the portion of the park that was flooded each year to create a sort of ice rink. While my brothers played hockey, I was left to work out the rudiments of ice skating on my own. Being only 5 or so years old, that wasn’t easy. What made it …

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Help from beyond the graveyard

I have relatives all over the world. Literally. Obviously most of my close relatives are live in the Chicago area, but many other close and distant relatives stayed for decades in Chicago’s wonderful climate and then decided that once they retired, they would move to California, Florida, Arizona, Nevada etc. (I noticed nobody moved to the Yukon!) I have many relatives in Italy, naturally, but I also have some in France, a handful in Brazil and Argentina, and an entire group in Australia. Thanks to social media, I am able to keep track with some of these international cousins and …

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What I hope…

  I believe that commonly used phrases are the key for how we can all build fluency in any language in a short time. If we learn how to incorporate commonly used phrases when we speak Italian, we will be able to express important feelings — like our hopes — just as we do in our native language! This will help us with our “email Italian” as well. Read below and you will see what I mean. This post is the 15th in a series of Italian phrases we have been trying out in our Conversational Italian! Facebook group. If …

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Don’t cheap out on your home inspection!

So you find your dream home and the seller accepts your offer. Congratulations! After that, you have a short period of time to get your property inspected. There are many different types of inspectors such as a general home inspector, a radon inspector, and a lead based paint inspector to name a few. Each inspector has specialized training in their area of expertise. The best approach is to start with a general home inspector. He can then make recommendations for additional inspectors based on his findings. From there you can sit down with your attorney and real estate agent to …

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Keeping rate increase at bay while you shop

With mortgage rate hitting their highest level in seven years, some lenders are coming out with products that are helping to keep rate increases at bay while the borrower is shopping. This feature is called “Lock and Shop,” and it’s as simple as its name. Usually a borrower cannot lock into a rate until they have selected a property and come to an agreement on a price. The Lock and Shop feature allows you to lock into an interest rate for 60-90 days while you are shopping for a home. Once you have found a home and your offer is …

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So much to be thankful for

Once a year, it’s time to reflect on all of our blessings and be thankful. True or false? The truth is that Thanksgiving Day in November is meant to highlight the thanks we should be feeling and sharing throughout the year. Why do we need that feeling to be acknowledged? Perhaps it has something to do with the busy lives we lead. How often do we, as Roselandites, think about how “The Ave” was the center of our social lives? How often do we recall with a pang of nostalgia those days when we were children of summer going out …

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To everything (turn, turn, turn)

  As we roll gradually from one season into the next, the accompanying shifts in climate and visuals affects in the ebb and flow of our emotions. We grab a jacket as we leave in the morning, knowing it will be needed in the early evening. As we walk through our neighborhoods or drive anywhere, we notice the leaf covering thinning as the glow of autumn fades into bare limbs on flora and fauna. Yes, all signs point to the end of summer. Looking back on the events of this summer, we think of places we’ve been and people we’ve …

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