By day, she is a familiar face at Pan American Bank, where she serves as teller. And each Sunday, she is a beloved voice at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, where she performs as a soloist at Mass.
A classically trained soprano, Capra has been singing at church since she was 12 years old. She studied at Elmhurst College, graduating in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in music management as well as a performance certificate.
A longtime student of noted local vocal coach Dr. Brad Nitschke, she travels into the city twice a week to take hour-long lessons. “Singing is like playing an instrument or a sport, you have to practice constantly to perfect your craft,” she explains. “I save the modern music to sing to in the car!”
As she trains to be a personal banker, Capra is also perfecting her craft in the banking industry. “I like banking and working with the people,” Capra says. “They put their trust in me and I hope to do well!” And banking has paid dividends on the personal front for Capra, who met a nice young man at work who is now her fiancé.
As fulfilling has banking has been for Capra, there’s a special place in her heart for singing. “I love working at the bank, but, I think you can love two things in your life,” Capra explains. “Music fills my soul.”
She has sung at the high Mass celebrated each year at the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, and she has performed for residents at Casa San Carlo retirement community in Northlake and the Presbyterian Home in Evanston. She is also meeting with brides to pick out music for several wedding ceremonies that she’ll be singing at in the next few months.
Capra’s passion and drive is fueled by her support system, which includes her fiancé, friends and family. Tracing her roots on her mother’s side to Calabria, she credit her mom and he grandmother with keeping Italian traditions burning brightly. “We gather around the table with a great supply of food and it brings everyone together,” Capra enthuses.
Capra will continue to keep busy on the musical and financial front in the next several months as she plans her May 2015 wedding. She is a bright and multifaceted young woman who hopes to dabble in theatre or musicals soon.
The experience she has gained singing and working in Melrose Park has made her both humble and strong. And with the personal roots she has laid down, there is no question that she will be making her mark on the larger community.
To book Capra for your next event, contact her at capragianna@gmail.com.