We did it!

Fra Noi readers are nothing if not devoted. You demonstrate that every month in the remarkable rate at which you renew your subscriptions, the little notes of thanks and praise you send with your payments, and the inspiring number of gift subscriptions you give.

In the last several weeks, you’ve taken that devotion to a whole new level, responding to our fundraising appeal with a tidal wave of generosity. Nearly one in every five of you answered the call with contributions ranging from $5 bills to a mindboggling $2,000 check.

With donations still flowing in at press time, the wave’s crest has washed away our projected deficit and a long-lingering loss carryforward and left a cushion in its wake to ease the transition into next year.

Along with this groundswell of financial support came an outpouring of encouragement that sent my spirits soaring. Here’s a sampling:


Fra Noi is an absolute delight. It has something of interest for everyone. I was especially pleased to learn that leprechauns have Italian roots! (Of course, we always knew that San Patrizio was Italian.) Fra Noi is sunshine in the darkness during these difficult times.

— Joan Tidona

You and your staff do a superb job with the Fra Noi. I look forward to the publication each and every month. It is a real tribute to our heritage. My sincere compliments!

— Sam Scambiatterra

È sempre un giorno speciale quando Fra Noi arriva nella mia casella postale. Spero che insieme possiamo assicurare che arriveranno altri 360 numeri.

— Larry Cam

I value your magazine and still marvel at how you are able to cover so much material with so few staffers every month! I always learn something new and interesting from the articles you choose to run.

— Dona DeSanctis

I really appreciate all that you guys do. I fondly remember always seeing a copy of it on my grandfather Rosario’s table growing up. Keep up the great work, and I hope you all are safe and healthy during these times.

— Anthony Fasanella

I have been enjoying Fra Noi for many years. My wife can attest to this since I have nearly 20 years of back issues in a closet, much to her frustration! It’s always a happy day when the new issue of Fra Noi arrives. There is virtually nothing that I don’t read with great interest. You have done a wonderful job. All the contributors are outstanding. Judith Ann Testa’s articles are particularly wonderful. She manages to be concise and comprehensive in a limited amount of space. Her tone is scholarly yet easy to read and thoroughly enjoyable. What a gioello!

— Dino Vallera

I don’t need to tell you to keep the faith. You obviously have more than enough grit to stay at it. Fra Noi: Long may it wave!

— Vincent Buonanno


I suspect similar sentiments motivated the literally hundreds of you who pitched in to propel Fra Noi to solvency. My fondest hope is that I included every single one of you among the Christmas greetings that blanket pages 39-92.

If I overlooked you or botched your name, please call me at 708-338-0690 or email me at info@franoi.com to let me know. I’ll acknowledge you along with all contributions received after Oct. 23.

Words cannot possibly express my gratitude and pride as I survey that mammoth section. Each and every greeting represents a vote of confidence, an act of faith and a powerful source of motivation as I look forward to the coming year.

Now I know how it feels to reach the top of Mt. Everest. I’ve never been more exhausted or exhilarated. And I’ve never been more ready, willing and able to face the challenges ahead.

Whatever 2021 may bring, you have my word that Fra Noi will be standing tall at the end of it. The same goes for the year after that, the year after that and the year after that.

Mille grazie e sempre avanti!

The above appears in the December 2020 issue of the print version of Fra Noi. Our gorgeous, monthly magazine contains a veritable feast of news and views, profiles and features, entertainment and culture. To subscribe, click here.

About Paul Basile

Paul Basile has been the editor of Fra Noi for a quarter of a century. Over that period, he and his dedicated family of staff members and correspondents have transformed a quaint little community newspaper into a gorgeous glossy magazine that is read and admired across the nation. They also maintain a cluster of national and local websites and are helping other major metropolitan areas launch their own versions of Fra Noi.

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