Be sure to list ALL of your property’s assets


Many homes are under-marketed not for lack of advertising or effort on the part of the broker to push the property properly. The main reason is a lack of sufficient information on the full range of features that a property possesses, often because the owner may think that a buyer doesn’t care about them.

Many listing sheets leave out important features, instead enumerating the same items time and time again. Which items are you failing to mention on a listing description or online marketing? What will make your home stand out over the one down the street from you?

One of the biggest things out there for people today is being “green.” Have you always cleaned your home using natural or hypoallergenic cleaning products? What about your backyard, is there an area set up already for a home-grown natural garden? These are little things that don’t cost you much but may be huge with a potential buyer.

Is your property senior friendly? Many buyers are looking to downsize and find their final home. Do you have no stairs to enter your home, or a single story floor plan? These features may not be important to you but for a buyer looking for there “final” home or possibly looking to move a loved one in with them, these could be a deal maker or breaker.

Next take a good look at your home for potential storage space. Storage is one of the top items on a buyers must have list. Find areas such as an attic or the rafters of the garage to add extra storage with little or no cost to you. These areas are great for family to store such items as holiday decorations without having them take up valuable storage space within your living areas.

Make sure you detail the properties proximity to such items like highways, train stations, and park districts. You may think a buyer already knows your home is one block from the park because the internet tells everyone everything, but you are wrong! These little details could determine whether someone comes to see your home in person. A buyer may just be searching your entire zip code and may not know the area well enough to know the little hidden secrets of the neighborhood. Along with that, there may be a buyer who is relocating from another part of the country or world so be as detailed as possible regarding the neighborhood.

Whether your home sits on acres of land or you’re cooking on a high end stove in your kitchen, just keep in mind that each and every property is unique to itself and no two properties are ever the same! Find out what defines your property and draw in those buyers before your neighbor does!

To contact me, call 847-292-4700, email or visit


About Giuseppe Zerillo

Giuseppe Zerillo is the managing broker and owner of Zerillo Realty Inc. He is active on many boards, serving as village trustee of Harwood Heights and corporate secretary for Casa Italia. In 2011, he received the IANU Foundation's 2011 David Award for outstanding promise in the field of real estate, and in 2012 he was honored by the Illinois State Crime Commission for his community outreach. Constantly seeking opportunities to give back, he donates to several charities and raises money for children with disabilities.

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