On Monday, Nov. 9, U.S. Air Force veteran William “Billy” Castellano gave a riveting power point presentation of his time in the Middle East to a capacity crowd at the Italian American Veterans Museum. Billy told his story of how a boy from Galewood knew he wanted to follow in his family’s tradition of service to the United States military, joining the Air Force as a young man. As a member of the U.S. Air Force Security Forces, he was tasked with safeguarding nuclear weapons, codes and components. Deployed to the Middle East multiple times, he spent a year in …
Read More »Columbian Club installs Zivojnovic as president
Elmwood Park real estate broker Jonathan Zivojnovic stepped up to the presidency of the Columbian Club of Chicago at the organization’s annual installation gala on Jan. 16 at the Loew’s Hotel O’Hare. (708-456-9200) “I have served as president and chairperson for many other groups, and I must say that this is a role I have been looking forward to for many years,” Zivojnovic says. A member since 2008, Zivojnovic joined for the networking opportunity and quickly discovered that the club represented so much more. “The brotherhood and camaraderie among the members is like nothing else, and they do wonderful charity work,” …
Read More »NIAF accepts application for student trips
For the 17th consecutive year, the National Italian American Foundation will sponsor its Ambassador Peter F. Secchia Voyage of Discovery program, an educational and cultural initiative that sends Italian American students enrolled in a college or university to Italy each year. This all-expenses-paid trip will take place in June 2016. The goal of the Ambassador Peter F. Secchia Voyage of Discovery program is to strengthen Italian American students’ understanding of their heritage and the contributions Italy has made to the world. “The Ambassador Peter F. Secchia Voyage of Discovery, a cornerstone program at the National Italian American Foundation, helps strengthen the Italian …
Read More »JCCIA launches another great parade down State Street
Anticipating the aura of Columbus Day became reality on Monday, Oct. 12. It was everything I had envisioned, only more spectacular. The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii was filled to capacity, the altar gorgeous with bouquets of flowers, the music resounding throughout the Mass. Father Fragomeni’s words were stimulating. JCCIA President Frank Cerrone greeted all. Parade Chairman Sal Perricone gave emotional closing comments. The Marist Band brought tears to our eyes, and the Knights of Columbus were impressive as always. At Arrigo Park, the words of Marie Marsalli of the State Grand Lodge of the Order Sons of Italy …
Read More »Labriola reimagines Sunday brunch
When “Chief Doughboy” Rich Labriola decided to launch a Sunday brunch at his North Michigan Avenue foodie mecca, he was determined to make it a cut above the ordinary. Actually, make that several cuts above. The new menu at La Stanza Ristorante, the fine dining room in the back of Labriola Chicago, features lobster thermidor benedict, baby kale and octopus hash with a sunny-side up egg, prosecco in place of champagne, and a do-it-yourself donut bar. (312.955.3100, lastanzachicago.com)
Read More »Jessica Malpede reigns as queen on Columbus Day
Jessica Malpede was crowned Queen of the Columbus Day parade at a glittering pageant on Sept. 20 at Alta Villa Banquets in Addison. “‘Exciting’ doesn’t begin to describe the 2015 Columbus Day Queen Pageant,” JCCIA Executive Director Jo Ann Serpico says. “Enthusiasm radiated from the family members, friends and community leaders who attended, and the young women were perfect examples of confidence, courage and leadership.” Ron Onesti of Onesti Entertainment chaired the event and served as master of ceremonies, and Marilyn Fredericks handled the choreography. “Ron and Marilyn did a spectacular job of running this year’s pageant,” Serpico says. …
Read More »Combonis to honor Tony Turano
The Comboni Missionaries will honor Umberto “Tony” Turano as Man of the Year on Nov. 21 at Porretta’s Banquets in Chicago. (708-354-1999) “Tony Turano is a supremely successful businessman who has never forgotten his roots,” says the Rev. Peter Premarini, MCCJ, superior of the Comboni Mission Center in LaGrange Park. “We have chosen to honor him in appreciation of all the generous contributions that he and his family have made to the community as well as their support of the work of the Comboni Missionaries.” Tony and his brothers, Renato and Giancarlo, were born to Mariano and Assunta Turano in …
Read More »IAET to honor Ron Onesti and Sonny Nicotera
The Italian American Executives of Transportation will honor Ron Onesti as Man of the Year and Sonny Nicotera as Humanitarian of the Year on Nov. 21 at Alta Villa Banquets in Addison. (708-212-1051) “Ron and Sonny are cut of the same cloth,” says IAET President Vito D’Ambrosio. “They brings passion, skill and intelligence to bear on preserving our heritage and they’re extremely generous with their time, talent and resources. They represent the best that our community has to offer.” IAET 2015 Man of the Year Ron Onesti Ron Onesti is an entertainment industry powerhouse recognized as an innovative leader across …
Read More »UNICO announces its 2015 scholarships
The Scholarship Committee of UNICO National recently announced its 2015 awards. Among the nearly two-dozen grants bestowed were a dozen nursing scholarships, a pair of literary awards and a pair of awards to help fund studying abroad. “While we assist talented students to realize their aspirations, we encourage our recipients to become exceptional, contributing members of society,” committee Chair Joan Tidona explains. “As our program continues to expand, it is clear that UNICO National recognizes education as an essential investment in the future.” The Scholarship Committee presented the following scholarships in 2015: Major Don S. Gentile Memorial Scholarship — Matthew …
Read More »Umberto Davi installed as ISBA president
Umberto Davi of Willowbrook, a principal in the Western Springs Law Firm of Umberto S. Davi P.C., was installed as president of the Illinois State Bar Association at the organization’s 139th Annual Meeting on June 19 at the Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva, Wis. “Umberto is not only a lawyer’s lawyer, he is a gentleman’s gentleman,” Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride stated as he swore Davi in as president. “He brings to the presidency a classic combination of leadership, professionalism, humor, compassion, and the heart and soul of a hardworking small law …
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