If adversity breeds innovation, no industry has had to be as adaptive as the performing arts this year. In the wake of the unexpected and worldwide shutdown, New York City-based opera coaches Rachelle Jonck and Derrick Goff reacted quickly to the closure of opera houses and schools, creating an online practice diary exploring the basics of vocal technique according to the well-known lesson book of Italian composer Nicola Vaccai. With the swift international success of “The Vaccai Project,” Jonck and Goff realized that they had discovered a method of delivering content that was not merely a quarantine-era substitute, but rather a powerful and promising method of disseminating high-level musical information while building a vibrant operatic community.
Expanding on their mission to provide accessible, supportive and engaging education to singers, the online Bel Canto Boot Camp was born. Structured for professionals and enthusiasts alike, their fall 2020 plans include presentations of the Vaccai Project (September 7 to November 22); Vocal pedagogy reading groups examining Stark’s “Bel Canto: A History of Vocal Pedagogy” the Ariette of Bellini; and “Prima le parole: The Language of Opera” — an interactive Italian course exploring Italian operatic librettos, unveiling the mysteries of often confusing and convoluted poetic language. Learn more at www.belcantobootcamp.com.