Our Lady of Fatima graces Mt. Carmel with her presence

“Bellissima!” That’s the word that best describes the day the “Pilgrim Virgin” statue of Our Lady of Fatima visited Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish & Shrine in October.  The statue, identical to the original in Portugal, has been traveling the globe since 1947, spreading a message of peace and hope.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel was one of a dozen or so churches in the Chicago area selected to host the Blessed Mother for the day. She arrived the morning of Oct. 11, and by 10 a.m. she was ready to greet the line of people waiting to venerate her. The church was open all day for private meditation. Relics of St. Jacinta and St. Francisco were also available for viewing.

At 5 p.m., the church filled with parishioners and guests as the parish’s catechism students led the holy hour and adoration of the Holy Eucharist. Afterward, the Italian societies that celebrate their feasts at the parish led a banner presentation as an introduction to the Mass in Our Lady’s honor.  As the gifts were presented, two girls attired in their Communion dresses presented her crown to Fr. Leandro Fossá, who placed it on the statue as he prayed and blessed her.

After Mass, the Altar and Rosary Society led the decades of the rosary, while the priests heard confessions from some of the faithful, and others stayed for personal intentions. The evening ended around 9:30 p.m. with a closing prayer and blessing. Attendees were overwhelmed and grateful for a truly magnificent day of prayer and community.

About Lucia Esposito

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