“Fall” into spring

The end of the year is nearing and in the blink of an eye the spring real estate market will be here. If you tackle certain issues before the snows hit, you could prevent damage that results in costly repairs or a lower selling price when you’re ready to put your home up for sale.

Let’s start on the outside with your siding and gutters. If you’re gutters are clogged, the winter ice and snow can accumulate and damage them. Many people are reluctant to get onto a long ladder and climb up just to check on the status of their gutters. I recommend switching your cell phone to video, then attaching it to a “Selfie Stick” or something similar. That way you can view your gutters without risking life limb.

Also check to make sure all the joints in your gutter system are attached properly without any gaps. If there is a gap, be sure to caulk it. The same goes for your homes siding. If your home is brick, make sure it’s tuck pointed properly.

While you are on the outside, take a look at your windows. Start by installing your storm windows if they aren’t already built into your framing. Do your windows fog up on their own sometimes? That’s a sign of a leak or gap somewhere. If you can remove the window yourself, most hardware stores can repair it for you. If not, call a qualified repairman. Check for cracks or missing chunks in the caulking around your windows, too.

Be sure to prepare your lawn for its long winter slumber. The snows will eventually melt and rejuvenate your yard. Your local hardware store will carry special fertilizers that can be spread before the first snowfall. When the snow thaws, your lawn will be cleaner and brighter for when potential buyers start pulling up!

On the inside of your home, check for leaking pipes. Many times, stopping the leak and avoid water damage is as easy as replacing a washer. Your local hardware store also carries foam wraps for your pipes, If your pipes are exposed to outside walls without benefit of heat or insulation, as they ofteb are in the basement, you need to protect them from bursting.

When a potential buyer walks into your home, it’s often the little things that can make a difference. Preventative maintenance is the most important investment you make in a property you own.

To contact me, call 847-292-4700, email gz@zerillorealty.com or visit www.zerillorealty.com.

About Giuseppe Zerillo

Giuseppe Zerillo is the managing broker and owner of Zerillo Realty Inc. He is active on many boards, serving as village trustee of Harwood Heights and corporate secretary for Casa Italia. In 2011, he received the IANU Foundation's 2011 David Award for outstanding promise in the field of real estate, and in 2012 he was honored by the Illinois State Crime Commission for his community outreach. Constantly seeking opportunities to give back, he donates to several charities and raises money for children with disabilities.

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