Fra Noi

Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

14th-century Italian frescoes inspire modern artist at MCA

A contemporary Chicago artist has drawn inspiration from a series of 14th-century Italian frescoes to create an immersive carpet mural that’s on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art through July 7. Jessica Campbell’s candid and often humorous textiles, comics and drawings critique the traumas and absurdities of gender politics. For her “Chicago Works” exhibition, Campbell re-envisions the life and artwork of Canadian painter Emily Carr (1871-1945), celebrated for her expressive landscapes, to explore the challenges women face in everyday settings and the creative possibilities of reading and telling stories from multiple perspectives. The centerpiece of the exhibition is an …

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Tony’s marks 40th with new store in Berwyn

Tony’s Fresh Market rang in its 40th year with the grand opening of a new grocery store in the Cermak Plaza Shopping Center in Berwyn. Berwyn Mayor Robert Lovero and other city officials presided over a ribbon-cutting ceremony to welcome Tony’s, which simultaneously shuttered its North Riverside location. The new Tony’s took over 71,500 square feet previously occupied by Meijer. The move marked a 25 percent increase over the North Riverside footprint and maintained Tony’s 15-store area-wide presence. Tony’s was founded in 1979 by Tony Ingraffia and Domenico Gambino, cousins from Ciminna, Sicily, who built a grocery empire from a …

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Panino’s pizzaiuolo shines in Spain

The culinary coach of the U.S. Pizza Team took second place in a pizza championship held on Oct. 8 in Granada, Spain, while four other USPT members finished in the top 10. Gino Rago of Panino’s Pizza in Chicago took home second place in the Pizza Classica division, with Michael LaMarca (Master Pizza, Cleveland, Ohio), Jason Samosky (Samosky’s Homestyle Pizzeria, Valley City, Ohio) and Dave Sommers (Mad Mushroom, West Lafayette, Indiana) placing fourth, seventh and 10th respectively. Thirty-two competitors from around the world participated in the fourth annual Pizza por Pasión, organized by Antonia Ricciardi, president of the Università di …

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Jim & Pete’s achieves patio perfection

“Outdoor” dining in the dead of winter? It shouldn’t be possible, but Jim & Pete’s has pulled it off. The iconic Elmwood Park eatery recently earned Outdoor Patio of the Year accolades after it bought a nearby building, demolished it and built a heated 1,000-square-foot addition that features a motorized, louvered roof and drop-shade windows that, at a touch of a button, can make the room comfortable in almost any weather. “This isn’t putting a tent up around a patio or unrolling canvas to block the rain; this is a completely convertible room,” says Jim Michael Bucchianeri, who co-owns the …

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Maine South High School

Italiano 4 Accelerato/AP non è solo un’altra classe. È una famiglia perché siamo stati insieme per tre anni. Ci piace aiutarci e sostenerci mentre impariamo l’italiano. Spesso ci sediamo in un cerchio e chiacchieriamo in italiano della nostra vita usando il vocabolario e i tempi verbali. Per esempio, qualche volta, noi parliamo di cosa faremo il weekend o cosa ci piaceva fare da piccoli. Questo ci aiuta a praticare e parlare l’italiano con elaborazione e ci prepara per poter rispondere alle domande complicate come, “Perché la fuga dei cervelli?” È importante sapere che dopo questi anni possiamo anche applicare la …

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Indian Trail Junior High School

Martedì 16 ottobre, 2018, venti fortunati studenti dell’Eighth grade dell’Indian Trail Junior High a Addison, Ill., hanno partecipato a una gita di una volta nella vita a Eataly a Chicago. All’arrivo a Eataly, gli studenti hanno potuto ammirare gli alti soffitti a volta e le merci italiane importate. Il viaggio consisteva in una lezione di pizza con un pizziaolo. Per terminare il viaggio, gli studenti hanno fatto un tour guidato dell’area del Marketplace di Eataly. Molti studenti hanno acquistato il gelato alla Gelateria. “Mi è piaciuto mangiare la pizza perché potevi assaggiare la tua creazione. Camminare in giro ti fa …

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Fenwick High School

Il corso d’italiano a Fenwick è divertente per studenti di ogni cultura. Gli studenti si iscrivono alla lingua per molte ragioni. Per esempio, Ava è al cento per cento italiana, mentre Kelsey non è affatto italiana. I nonni di Ava vengono dall’Italia; uno è di Bari, e tre sono di diverse città siciliane. È cresciuta ascoltando l’italiano nella sua famiglia. Anche se Kelsey e molti studenti non sono italiani, il corso ha aperto molte opportunità per tutti. Una di queste è la nostra Tavola di San Giuseppe. Ogni marzo possiamo aiutare la comunità e mangiare i cibi italiani. Gli studenti …

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Addison Trail High School

Ho studiato italiano per sei anni e per questo tempo mi sento che imparare l’italiano era una cosa importante perché già parlo due lingue e volevo impararne di più. Per me la classe d’italiano mi dà l’opportunità di imparare un’altra cultura; la classe di italiano crea anche un ambiente familiare che non si sente in una classe come matematica. Questo ha cambiato il modo in cui penso alla lingua, cultura, gastronomia, ecc. Mi piace anche che parliamo delle cose che sono importanti per la nostra società. È una classe che non è normale, è una classe che cambia la vita …

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Veterans museum accepts donation of bronze plaque

A major piece of local military history is now on display at the Italian American Veterans Museum in Stone Park thanks to the dedication and generosity of the Far South Side Italian-American community. A massive bronze plaque honoring scores of World War II veterans was donated to the museum at a ceremony in late October at Carlo Lorenzetti’s in Chicago hosted by the Spaghetti-Os. There to accept the donation were IAVM board members Paul Basile, Steve Corbo and Mark DiSanto. The plaque was commissioned by Società Filarmonica Bella Italia and contains the names of 125 mostly Italian-American veterans. It had …

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Fiorentino named Hero of the Month

Cook County Sheriff’s Deputy Joe Fiorentino was named Police Magazine Hero of the Month for October 2018. A 21-year veteran of law enforcement, Fiorentino is a martial arts expert who promotes health and education in the community, volunteering to help fellow law enforcement officers, children, adults and seniors learn to defend themselves. Teaching that self-defense is not just about punching and kicking, Fiorentino stresses verbal skills, confidence and self-awareness in his classes. A champion grappler, he was inducted into the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 2009. He has been awarded the President’s Volunteer Service Award and the …

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