The Magazine

current-issueFra Noi ® has been the publication of choice for Chicago’s Italian-American community for more than half a century. But the world is constantly changing, and so are we.

We have completely transformed ourselves as we continue to pursue our mission of keeping our readers in touch with each other and their heritage.

Our quaint community newspaper has blossomed into a gorgeous glossy magazine that better showcases our remarkable community and culture.

And our website has been split into two, dramatically revamping and expanding our offerings on both levels.

The best of the old Fra Noi remains, and a host of exciting new features have been added. In the process, we will be broadening our appeal far beyond our traditional readership.

You don’t need to be Italian to love the new Fra Noi. All you need to do is “embrace your inner Italian” ®.

Welcome to the Fra Noi family!


  1. I wrote this note to CJ after reading the article “Life in Kensignton” and promised I would post it here…..memories of Torino/Gonnella on Kensington Avenue in Chicago:

    Hi CJ,
    I wanted to write to you to let you know my family absolutely loved your article ‘Life In Kensington’, published in FRA NOI and what it was back in the day!
    Now the actual back in the day may have been before my time but the names, places, food, memories all came flooding back.
    My maiden name is Meg Marcucci and I used to work at Torino Baking Company in the 70’s and 80’s in the office and was basically doing whatever it was I was told to do. Filing, sweeping the floor, filling bread crumb bags, working in the store front while it was still open, you name it and I may have done it.
    One of my fondest memories is that of the Pasavento open faced sandwiches with fontina cheese and tomato on Gonnella Bread. What a combination that still to this day my cousins Mike Lucchesi and Tom Marcucci and I can’t match, although we have tried. Also, running through the bakeshop across the alley to Pullman Wine and Liquors to get fresh slices of munchee cheese and ham. I would run back to the bakery, grab a fresh, hot roll off the line and it would be all melty and awesome by the time I reached the lunchroom.
    Some of the names in the Anniversary Banquet List that you published are oh so familiar! Many times we would go to St. Anthony for mass with Ray Rigoni (also a beloved employee of Gonnella), what a lovely singer. The reason for this letter is the communication you still have with Joe Marchioretto. I fondly remember his smiling face and kind words. I would like you to do me a favor please next time you see him. Please send our fondest wishes and a big hug from Larry Marcucci’s daughters and sons. We all worked there every summer as well as every day off, holiday and weekend.
    As I said, very fond memories from our family on Kensington. Perhaps not for me in it’s heyday but for the big family we called Torino.
    Wishing you all the best,
    Meg Marcucci McDonnell

  2. Dearest Zia Maria,
    I am so glad you survived Covid-19. I was so sad to hear that you had it and my prayers are for you. I will take your advice VERY seriously. Your column is the first one I read and I like the sayings. Please take care of yourself my dear aunt. This is very strange waters. I hope we will beat this!
    Un abbraccio e baci. 😷✌️🌹

  3. Gentili Italo Americani, amici sono un fotoreporter Italiano vivo a Milano, ho i miei cugini parenti ed amici a Chicago e in diversi stati degli USA, volevo invitarvi a leggere l’articolo dedicato alla famiglia Americana pubblicato sulla mia rivista in bi lingue.
    Il mio obbiettivo e missione e collegare quante più persone Italiani nel mondo e sopra tutto con il cognome uguale, sarò lieto di rispondere alle vostre domande, vi saluto con affetto Gaetano.

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