Tag Archives: Claudia Bortolani

A boost to the housing market

Italy recently passed the Salva Casa (Save the Home) decree, a legislative package with the potential to revitalize the country’s housing market. The decree tackles a surprising hurdle: A large portion of Italian homes (estimates suggest up to 80%) have minor irregularities or deviations from building codes. These often insignificant irregularities, like an unpermitted balcony enclosure or a slightly misplaced internal wall, can significantly complicate selling a home, obtaining financing or accessing government assistance. The decree seeks to streamline the process of rectifying these minor issues. This could involve a simplified amnesty program where homeowners pay a penalty based on …

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A game-changing visa

The Italian government has issued the final piece of legislation necessary to implement the Digital Nomad Visa, a game-changing instrument for highly skilled workers from outside the European Union. With the Decree of the Ministry of the Interior dated Feb. 29, 2024, published in the Official Gazette on April 4, 2024, it is now possible for non-EU citizens to apply to work and live in Italy without falling under the complex maximum quota legislation. The visa is aimed at non-EU nationals who perform highly qualified work using technological tools that allow them to work remotely. They can either be self-employed …

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Renting property in Italy

Leasing a property in Italy is a different from the rental process you may be accustomed to in the U.S. Here’s a breakdown of key things to know: Finding an Apartment: Forget the multi-listing systems you might use in the States. In Italy, real estate agents typically focus on specific properties, not finding them for you. So, if you see 10 apartments you like, you may need to contact 10 different agencies. Agent Communication: Sending lengthy emails with desired features (hardwood floors, balcony) might not be the most effective approach. Focus on the essential details (location, size, bedrooms) in your …

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Italian vs. American law

We have received a number of questions regarding the most common legal problems faced by foreigners who are traveling to, doing business in, and living in Italy. The answers often depend on how long you plan to stay in Italy, why you’re there, and how well you know Italian culture. We’ll be answering these questions in the course of the next several columns. What are some of the major differences in the Italian and American legal systems? The legal systems of Italy and the United States have many differences rooted in their historical origins and foundational principles. Italy follows a …

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Access to health care

If you have dual citizenship, do you have access to the Italian health care system while you’re in the country, even if you don’t live there? No, you don’t. As a dual citizen of Italy and America, you can apply for your Tessera Sanitaria, which is the Italian National Healthcare Card. This card grants you access to healthcare services in Italy and the EU at greatly reduced or no cost, but only if you choose to live in Italy as a permanent citizen. It’s important to note that, for dual citizen living permanently in Italy to use Italian healthcare benefits …

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What if I’m pulled over?

What do I do if I get a traffic ticket in Italy? Traffic tickets for safe drivers aren’t typically a problem in Italy and should not keep you from enjoying your vacation. Fines in Italy normally relate to parking violations, speeding, or entering ZTLs (permit areas only). If a driver is stopped by the police, they will be given the option of paying the fine on the spot, forfeiting any right to an appeal in the process, or they can pay a deposit and request an appeal. Those drivers who refuse either option will most likely have their car impounded …

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Longer-term stays in Italy

What do I have to do if I want to live in Italy for a year? If you are a U.S. citizen planning to stay in Italy for more than 90 days in any given calendar year, there are specific steps you need to follow: First of all, you will need to apply for a visa in your home country and obtain a Residence Permit within 8 days of your arrival in Italy.  It is crucial to identify the specific purpose of your stay in Italy before proceeding. Common reasons include work, study, family reunion or retirement. The type of …

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