There is strength in numbers, the adage goes, and nowhere is that more apparent than at Casa Italia in Stone Park, where numerous organizations will join forces to stage the Casa’s annual Christmas Village.
The complimentary open house is slated for Dec. 1, 2024. The following organizations have signed on to participate at the time of publication: the Associazione Regionale Siciliana in America, Calabresi in America Organization, Associazione Regionale Pugliesi in America/San Nicola, Chicago West Suburban UNICO, Chicagoland Italian American Charitable Organization, Columbian Club of Chicago, Italian American Executives of Transportation, Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans, Società San Francesco di Paola, Società SS. Crocifisso & San Giovanni Bosco Di Ciminna (Chicago), and Sons and Daughters of Italy in America.
Il Presepe vivente, or live Nativity, will be performed by the Associazione Regionale Pugliesi in America/San Nicola during the Casa’s noon Mass. Festivities also will feature a strolling zampognaro and La Befana, a horse-drawn carriage, Christmas carols, a special performance by the students from the Casa’s Italian class, and a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus, with photos, children’s crafts, and gifts for children. Holiday treats served throughout the afternoon will include hot chocolate, espresso, eggnog, roasted chestnuts, fried dough and traditional Italian cookies. Other food will be available for purchase.
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