Superlawyer Cairo comes through for Casa Italia



The Person of the Year Gala is easily the most important fundraiser of the year for Casa Italia, and this year’s honoree came through with flying colors. Tens of thousands of dollars were raised for the Casa on the strength of Louis C. Cairo’s charisma, love of family, passion for his heritage, and expansive network of devoted friends and associates.

Among them was his extended family at Goldman Weisman and Cairo (GWC), which has emerged as Illinois’ largest injury law firm under the stewardship of Lou and his partner, Michael B. Goldberg. Scores of well-wishers from the many labor unions the firm has so ably defended over the years were also on hand. Lou’s family turned out in force, including his wife, Gloria; his children, Deanna, Louis Anthony and Kristina; his parents, Louie and Rosemary Cairo; and his wife’s parents, Rocco and Gloria Colella. Roses were presented to Gloria, as well as Lou’s able assistant, Georgia.

Casa Chairman Dan Corrado, Dinner Dance Chairman Giuseppe Zerillo and longtime friend Mario Manfredini were effusive in their praise. “Lou is a successful attorney, devoted family man and outstanding supporter of Casa Italia,” Corrado proclaimed. “Whether it’s in the courtroom or giving to such groups as the Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Lou is always fighting for what’s right,” Zerillo exclaimed. “Louis is my fratello, my brother,” Manfredini warmly assured, “and if you ever need him to help you, to be there for you, he’ll be your fratello, too.”

The stage appropriately set, Lou spoke glowingly of his firm, his profession, his family, the Casa and his heritage. “My parents taught me to never forget where I came from,” Lou assured. And as a parting gift during a stirring live auction, Lou doubled the take on the grand prize of dinner for eight at his house by bestowing the honor on the two top bidders. Now, THAT’S Italian!

For more information on Casa Italia, click here.

For more information on Louis Cairo, click here.


















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Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

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