2013 Mother Cabrini Award

by Aurora Pensa

TUrH2EcIcZhPb1_YLohn95gYSlX7ZacqGgtfhDMhQU8The Italian Catholic Federation, St. Francis Borgia Branch 392, will present Vince and Anna Raimondi with its Mother Cabrini Award on Nov. 10.

A 3 p.m. Mass at St. Francis Borgia Church in Chicago will be followed by a dinner dance at Porretta’s Banquets in Chicago. Tickets are $60 for adults and $30 for children under 12.

For details, call Teresa Helfand at 773-763-0507, Aurora Pensa at 773-589-9734, Teresa Romeo at 773-622-6532 or Maria Perna at 708-307-7180.

Vince and Anna Raimondi are a couple known for their hard work and dedication to family, church and community.

This remarkable couple comes from the scenic Puglia region of southern Italy. They were born in the historic town of Triggiano, Bari. Like their fellow Triggianesi, Vince and Anna are proud of their birthplace and cultural background.

Although both Vince and Anna are natives of Triggiano, their paths did not cross when they lived in Italy. Anna immigrated to the United States at the age of 10 and Vince at 24.

Vince and Anna first met in the summer of 1966 in Chicago at the Embassy, a dance hall where many young Italians gathered to socialize. Vince had recently immigrated to the United States, and Anna was about to enter her senior year of high school. A year later, they met for the second time at a dance being held by the Federazione Cattolica Giovanile, Branch 98, at Our Lady of the Angels Church. Needless to say, the evening proved to be enjoyable. Since the atmosphere was welcoming and familiar, both Vince and Anna decided to join the ICF. Soon after, they became members and got very involved in the ICF’s activities. They served on the board for many years, with Anna as secretary and Vince as social organizer.

Vince and Anna dated for about two and a half years, and married in 1970. Their happy union created four lovely children: Marianne, Teri, Nick and Michael. Over the years, the family has grown to include a beautiful daughter-in-law, Julie; a charming son-in-law, Marty; and three adorable, fun-loving grandchildren: Alyssa, Ava and Benjamin. They have given their children and grandchildren plenty of love, solid values and lots of happiness.

During 43 years of marriage, like all couples, they experienced good times and bad. They enjoyed many happy occasions and also dealt with tragedies. Throughout the years, Vince and Anna have worked together as one, have been a source of strength for each other and supported each other in whatever happened. This has been the key to their beautiful marriage and the base for their strong, loving family.

At the time of their wedding, Anna had just graduated from high school. She decided not to begin college, since she was getting married, but deep inside, she always dreamed of one day going to college and earning a degree. After several years and three children, Anna decided to enroll in a class at a local college, marking the beginning of her college career. With the help and support of her family, especially Vince, Anna was able to fulfill her dream and graduate with a master’s degree in school psychology. Anna worked as a school psychologist for 25 years, and is now retired. Seeking a more rewarding and satisfying career, Vince also returned to school. He soon achieved his goal, becoming licensed as a real estate agent. He worked as a real estate broker for about 35 years, and is now retired. This couple is living proof that everything is attainable with hard work, perseverance and sacrifice.

Vince and Anna Raimondi always had religion and a deeply rooted faith in God in their lives. They have been involved in church activities since the start of their marriage. Anna taught religious education for a few years, which was quite a rewarding experience. Their children attended Catholic schools from the elementary grades through college, providing them with a solid Catholic foundation. Vince and Anna often volunteered for functions at their children’s schools. At present, Anna and Vince are Eucharistic Ministers at St. Raymond de Penafort Church in Mount Prospect.

Proud of their Italian heritage, Vince and Anna participate in many benefits, cultural events, religious functions and feste in the Italian community. They selflessly contribute time and willingly donate to organizations whose goals benefit society. They are members of several association, including the Italian Catholic Federation, ARPA/San Nicola and Maria SS della Croce di Triggiano, Bari. Vince and Anna, in fact, have been longstanding members of the Maria SS della Croce society, an association of more than 200 members keeping the traditions and heritage of their beloved Triggiano alive through various activities and religious functions. Anna has been the president since 2009, and while Vince does not hold a formal position on the board, he has an active role in whatever needs to be done.

Vince and Anna Raimondi are loving parents and grandparents, good caring citizens of our community and a truly inspirational couple. Please join us in celebrating them.

About Fra Noi

Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

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