Beset by never-ending winter’s woes Plans thought of, yet once again discarded askance Alas, perchance I come upon hope To plan with permanence After suffering through a long drab winter, enduring an April and May that was more winter than spring, and playing catch-up through the month of June, we’ve finally arrived at midsummer. Though our summer may lack the drama of one of Shakespeare’s plays, it’s time for us to stake a claim and make this season our own. Let’s take a trip back to earlier summers in Roseland where “The Ave” (Michigan Avenue) was the center of …
Read More »Summer sweats and sweets
It’s that time of year to focus on summer fun. When we think back to our younger days, a lot of places come to mind. On a hot sweaty day, some Roselandites liked to swim outside at Palmer Park while others waited in line to get into the second floor pool with the overhead doors at West Pullman Park or to swim indoors at the “Pump. And for the sports-minded kids, there was always Gately’s Stadium or the Roseland Little League Fields, not to mention any open lot or school playground with an “X” in the middle of a …
Read More »Open sesame!
When do you hear that phrase? Why, when you’re standing in front of a door, of course! And that’s the time of year we find ourselves in. The seasonal door to spring is awaiting your command! We open the door and walk in to the many events and happenings of a new season. Every spring, my outlook brightens as I look forward with excitement to coming events of man and nature: the blossoming of flowers throughout Pullman; the transformation of trees to a wildfire of green leaves; and the gathering of old friends who try to outdo each other with …
Read More »Fond memories can yield great stories
How often do we say when a loved one passes away, “I wish I had talked to them more about what they did when they were young”? Those regrets can only be averted when the person is still with us. I’ve always said that everyone has stories to tell but you have to find the time listen and you have to know what to say. I’m very fortunate to be surrounded by so many great people with wonderful stories that are there for the asking. In that vein, when Vilma dal Corrobo asked if I wanted to interview her 108-year-old …
Read More »Walking in our parents’ footsteps
As we recount the passing days of winter and embark upon a new season of “What’s new?” it’s time to look forward to that changeling of seasons known as spring. Winter tapers off and we begin to relax as our wardrobe evolves from protective clothing to a more welcoming style. (No real Chicagoan is concerned about style during the cold months when comfort and warmth is the goal!) I invite you to walk in the footsteps of your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends — and your youth. This is the perfect time of year to come visit …
Read More »Cherish is the word we use to describe
Every year when February rolls around, memories of Cupid, Valentine cards, childhood memories, loves lost and won, and family and friends who are no longer with us all come flooding back. Back in 1966, the group The Association came out with the song “Cherish” and in my humble opinion that word has never been given its due. Say it a few times slowly, deliberately, until you feel it. That’s the feeling we Roselandites get when we think of our formative years. Not only do we cherish each and every one of those years, but also each and every memory we …
Read More »A look back at a busy 2017 in Pullman
As one year passes and another approaches, it’s once again time for a “look see” at what has gone by. When I mentioned the topic to someone, I was told “Oh, nothing has happened during this past year.” Of course, to my way of thinking that definitely presented a challenge. So, then, I ask that you bear with me as I roll through the aging Rolodex of my mind. Occasionally, you might find me stuck on one Rolodex card and having a tough time getting to the next topic — but, I’ll turn the card eventually! Some may consider working …
Read More »A Merry ‘Grustoli’ Christmas!
Italian traditions don’t come and go. That’s why they’re traditions, and one way or the other, we figure out how to preserve them and pass them along to the next generation. When my mom passed away, she took her “grustoli” recipe with her — almost! My wife at that time, the former Marilyn Chao of Roseland’s Tea Garden Chinese Restaurant family (Fenger High class of January 1967), took the time to work with my mother, Angelina, as she baked a batch, and wrote down a complete recipe. My family and many others in Roseland know this traditional Italian treat as “grustoli,” though it’s …
Read More »The many faces of Thanksgiving
What comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving Day? The Thanksgiving celebrations of our youth will yield one answer. And if you’re talking about Thanksgiving today, the answer will be completely different. And what about your favorite Thanksgiving memory? The truth is that our view of Thanksgiving has most likely changed over time as we have been exposed to a variety of celebrations. My family would gather at my parent’s home every Sunday for the family lunch meal. Ma — God knows there’s no way I’d be calling her “Mom,” that was for the American kids — would put …
Read More »Due famiglie e la nostra famiglia
I’ve been wanting to write about families for quite a while now, and everything finally came together recently when I took part in a few family events. Family is an important part of recognizing who we are from the perspective of where we came from. The families I’ve been fortunate to spend time with have experienced life in many different ways. Their stories are varied and interesting but the shared common thread of famiglia is all-important to their present day lives, their perspectives on their past and their future as carried forward by their offspring. A generous invitation was extended …
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