“Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.” — George Carlin, 1937-2008 If you think its butter but it’s not, it’s Chiffon. In that part of my brain that stockpiles all useless trivia, I still remember this commercial from the 1970s that featured Mother Nature getting fooled… and not liking it, so she angrily summoned up some lightning and thunder to make her point. I realize that Oscar Wilde was right on the money when he said, “Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” How true. But Wilde was spared …
Read More »Mickey’s stands the test of time
As Big Box stores and restaurant chains lock their doors on a daily basis, it makes you wonder if they couldn’t learn something from people like Mickey and Ann Sangiacomo who, with a little money and a lot of hard work, put their hot dog stand in the Vienna Hall of Fame… and their children on the road to success. Mickey Sr. didn’t rely on overpaid real estate consultants to help him choose the location at 635 Mannheim Road in Bellwood in 1959. In fact, the parcel he envisioned as a used car lot was nothing more than a vacant …
Read More »Borsato Museum a national treasure in Northlake
Very few people even know it exists. A national museum of timeless and exceedingly valuable treasures sits relatively unviewed and unappreciated in suburban Chicago. Over 100 pieces of incomparably vibrant and colorful porcelain statuary, created by one of Italy’s and the world’s most renowned sculptors, are housed in suburban Northlake, thousands of miles from bustling Milan, where they were painstakingly created by the hands of Antonio Borsato. Located inside Casa San Carlo Retirement Community, 420 N. Wolf Road in Northlake, the National Borsato Museum is a familiar site for staff and the nearly 200 residents. “We feel it is such …
Read More »A visit with author Luisa Scala-Buehler
You will find recurring themes in my columns: tradition, Dominican University, Italian Americans and unsung heroes. In this particular column, all of the above might apply. It had been too long since I had savored the early-morning calm at my alma mater Rosary College (now Dominican University) in River Forest. Waiting for Luisa Scala-Buehler to arrive, a veritable floodgate of undergraduate memories opened, as they usually do when I am at Dominican. I try to always take a moment to bask in the glow of epic experiences and magnanimous moments on that campus that would provide the moral compass for …
Read More »Scudiero’s rolls with the changes
Despite the fact that I am a full-blooded Italian-American who has been writing since 1982, I can’t help but feel like one of the “new fish” getting off the bus in the movie the Shawshank Redemption. Being invited to write for Fra Noi is almost as ominous as my first moments in freshman P.E. class, trembling in my one-piece gym suit and cowering as our instructor, with totally unnecessary bias, warned the entire class to be afraid of the girls from Melrose Park. For the most part, I am proud to be a lifelong Melrose Parker, having lived among rich …
Read More »Support the cause to canonize Father Samuel!
There are few things we know for certain in this life, with the exception of death and taxes. But I have learned, especially in recent weeks and months, that there is at least one other certainty: when people rally together for a cause and make their voices heard, things will change. Egypt, the Tea Party and elected officials in Wisconsin, for example, all know this to be true. So I take my case to you, the people — Italian Americans and other descendants of hard-working immigrants, residents of the Midwest, Roman Catholics, graduates of Catholic schools, students of history, theology, …
Read More »Meet Fra Noi’s newest columnist!
Hi, my name is Tina and I’m an Italian American. And, no, this is not a column about addictions or interventions but, as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned, lifelong resident of Melrose Park, it almost feels like the introduction that has been tightly bottled up within me for several decades just longing to get out — like a genie in an old lamp. Most times, people guess wrong at my nationality, but thanks to this opportunity given to me by Fra Noi, I am validated and excited to be “home,” where the vowel at the end of my name is always …
Read More »“Outsider” artist Aldobrando Piacenza
Here in the northern suburbs of Highwood and Highland Park, there has always been an abundance of talented craftsmen, and their imprint remains on many of the grand homes that line the North Shore. From stonemasons to bricklayers, carpenters and gardeners, these men carry an artistic eye, and are meticulous creators in their fields. But none that I know of has achieved the national notoriety of Aldobrando Piacenza (1888-1976). Aldobrando Piacenza is acclaimed as an American folk artist who inspired both art students and artists alike. In 2007, his replica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception sold at Christie’s …
Read More »The game of bocce in Highwood
Among my favorite Italian places is the Highwood Bocce Club. Whether you play bocce or cards, enjoy a glass of wine or a cappuccino, the bocce club is the place to be. For young and wise alike, there is always something going on at 440 Bank Lane in Highwood. The history of the game of bocce as described by the United States Bocce Federation recounts an elaborate evolution of the game since 5600 B.C., when a similar game was played in ancient Egypt with polished stones. Somehow the Ancient Greeks learned to play the game in approximately 800 B.C. It …
Read More »Modenese Society rolls with the changes
At the turn of the previous century, Highwood and Highland Park were very different places than they are today. The streets bustled with a working class that included Swedes, Germans, Irish and an early sprinkling of Italians. The Italian men that came to the Northern suburbs knew there was work other than coal mining, which enabled them to improve their family’s future. As Adria Bernardi states in “Houses with Names,” the first known Italian was a Venetian in Highland Park just after 1900. The Modenesi came shortly thereafter. One by one, calling for their relatives from back home because there …
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