Last month we talked about being stuck in genealogical gridlock. Genealogical old-timers (among whose ranks I think I belong) call them “brick walls.” You’ve looked in as many genealogical resources as you can but you just don’t have enough information to be sure of a piece of information. That birth date could belong to Uncle Lou, or it could be one of 24 different Lou Russos living in Chicago at that time. The other kind of brick wall is that you have no clue when or where Lou was born and there doesn’t seem to be any way to figure …
Read More »A bonus for FHA borrowers
In early January, President Obama announced that he would lower FHA mortgage insurance premiums to help lower the mortgage payments of future FHA borrowers who are planning on purchasing or refinancing. On Jan. 26, those lower mortgage insurance premiums went into effect. Most lenders require 20 percent down on the purchase of a house, but the Federal Housing Authority allows borrowers to buy a home with as little as 3.5 percent down. FHA mortgage insurance covers the lender for the difference in case the borrower defaults. How much did President Obama save borrowers by lowering the premium? For every $100,000 …
Read More »Tallying’s home buying’s bottom line
The real estate market is starting to pick up again and folks are starting to think about possibly buying or selling. If you fit that profile, now is the perfect time to start doing some due diligence. In other words, find out what it’s going to cost you. There are many different factors that can affect your bottom line. Closing costs can include broker, appraisal, processing, attorney and title fees and your down payment percentage just to name a few. Along with that, let’s not forget good old Uncle Sam! Property transfers can include state, county and local transfer stamps. …
Read More »Questions to ask about nursing home contracts
Aside from the emotional difficulties that arise when a loved one goes into some sort of care arrangement, there are often legal and financial ramifications. Remember, however, that any care arrangement is a contract and all contracts are negotiable. Every good negotiation starts with good questions. Here’s a starter list: Have you toured the facility during off hours? Has legal counsel reviewed the contract before you signed it? What services are being excluded in the contract? What provisions in the contract deal with behavior altering medications? Does the contract limit your civil right to engage in Medicaid asset protection planning …
Read More »Getting around those brick walls to your ancestry
In a recent column, we discussed some of what happens when you have multiple sources for the same piece of data. Let’s say Zio Angelo’s birth date. He told the census taker he was born in 1892. He told the draft registration he was born in 1894. His hospital orderly said he was born about 1900 when he died. The final answer, if there is one, is to put more trust on the older piece of data, recorded closest to the actual event. There would theoretically be less reason to lie about ones age, and the people who were witnesses …
Read More »Call in the real estate inspector!
For many folks, straightening out there house means stuffing items that are out into a closet, deterring the actually cleaning. Face it, as a child when our parents asked us to clean your room, we would stuff everything into your toy box. That was the easiest and simplest way! In the end, the toy box would explode and the toys would be everywhere again and we would have to spend more time cleaning our rooms again. Long story short, let’s get our home right from the beginning prior to listing! The sale of a home is a major financial milestone, …
Read More »Roseland: A community steeped in tradition
During this past holiday season I kept seeing ads and hearing stories about the holiday traditions that people maintain. Everything from when to put up the tree to how to decorate it were enthusiastically debated, along with what to serve on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. All this discussion got me to thinking about Roseland and the traditions its residents maintained. I’m sure one thing we can all agree on is that the good people of Roseland were all traditionalists. I easily recall the annual tradition of the Gately’s Peoples Store sponsoring the Michigan Avenue Christmas parade. I remember that …
Read More »A low-cost makeover
So you want to prepare your home for the spring market, but don’t have the funds to complete major projects like installing new kitchen cabinets or remodeling basement? The most inexpensive options always begin with paint. Check out the paint department of your local hardware store. Many will sell a returned pre-mixed can of paint at a steep discount. Find a neutral color and spruce up your walls quickly and inexpensively. And to boost your curb appeal, don’t forget to splash a fresh coat on your exterior doors. And why not apply some wallpaper to your bathroom or entryway? It’s …
Read More »2015 spring market outlook is rosy
The mortgage industry recently made a change to their minimum down payment for conventional loans from 5 percent to 3 percent. This would allow a borrower with good credit to buy a $200,000 home with a down payment of $6,000 instead of $10,000. Currently FHA offers a minimum down payment of 3.5 percent, but their closing costs and monthly mortgage insurance is a lot higher than what they would be for a conventional loan with 3 percent down. FHA allows for lower credit scores where conventional loans usually do not. What the industry has discovered is that borrowers with good …
Read More »Avoiding genealogical gridlock
I have used a number of GPS devices over the years to find my way while driving. I won’t mention the brand names but there were three different manufacturers, plus two different apps on my phone. They all claim to find the fastest route from point A to point B, but they all tell me to go a different way. Sometimes, they don’t get me where I need to go at all. I usually figure this out when I see the “Welcome To Kenosha” signs! There can only be one “fastest way” to from A to B but they all …
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