Fra Noi

Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

Pan American earns top marks from BBB

Pan American Bank & Trust has been selected as a recipient of the 2019 Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics for enterprises with 50 to 99 employees. The Torch Award is bestowed on a select few businesses that have distinguished themselves for their excellence and integrity. “The Torch Award is the most prestigious award the BBB can present to a business,” says Steve J. Bernas, president and CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Chicago and Northern Illinois. “Torch Award winners demonstrate the highest ethical standards and trust with customers, employees, community members, and other stakeholders in which …

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National coalition reaches out to Chicago-area groups

The Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations brought its message of unity to Chicago recently. Conference Chair Dr. Aileen Sirey, and Vice Chair Basil Russo met with representatives of 20 member organizations of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans. The meeting was hosted by JCCIA President Sergio Giangrande. The meeting was part of a larger effort on the part of the conference to rally Italian-American organizations across the country. Russo talked about the importance of Italian-American organizations coordinating their efforts and speaking with a unified voice on important issues that impact our community, citing Christopher Columbus as …

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Mark Corrado to step up as next Columbian Club prez

Retired CFO Mark M. Corrado will ascend to the presidency of the Columbian Club of Chicago at a black-tie optional installation dinner on Jan. 18 at the Medinah Country Club. For reservations, call Michael Russotto at 630-222-2686. Corrado has been a member of the Columbian Club since 2006, but he was introduced to the organization more than 40 years ago when his father, Albert, first joined. “While it took a few years for me to follow in his footsteps, I always saw how proud he was to be a member and the joy it brought him,” Corrado explains. “This was …

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Biancalana brothers turn over reins to Elmcrest Banquets

Jim and Al Biancalana turned over the reins of Elmcrest Banquets in November, ending a remarkable run that spanned two generations and nine decades. Located in Elmwood Park, The Elmcrest has been catering to the needs of countless customers since it opened its doors in 1994. But the Biancalana family was in the food service business for decades, and recently celebrated its 90th year in business. Begun as a small ice cream parlor in 1929 by Al Biancalana Sr., the business grew into Biancalana’s Restaurant and Banquets. During this time, Al Sr. was joined by his three sons, Al, Jim …

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U.S. team scores big at Spanish pizza tourney

U.S. Pizza Team members competed in the “5° Pizza por Pasión” Spanish Pizza Championship in Granada, Spain, on Oct. 8 and took home numerous awards in several categories of competition. Team members representing the U.S. in the culinary division included USPT Culinary Coach Gino Rago and Bruno Brunetti of Panino’s Pizza in Chicago; USPT athletic director Dave Sommers of Mad Mushroom in West Lafayette, Ind.; and Sean Dempsey of Dempsey’s Brewery Restaurant & Pub in Watertown, S.D. Competing for the team in the freestyle acrobatics division were Missy Green and Caroline Felker, former USPT members and representatives of PMQ Pizza …

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Rolling Meadows High School

Come senior d’italiano AP, ci fa piacere essere studenti di un programma giovanile pieno di energia, rispetto, e passione. L’anno scorso abbiamo scritto che il nostro Prof. ci prepara il caffè e chiacchiere una volta al mese. Quest’anno siccome la classe è nel pomeriggio, non ha senso preparare del caffè prima di pranzo. Noi adoriamo come il nostro Prof. cerca sempre di darci l’opportunità di esprimerci in qualsiasi maniera. Siccome la classe è nel pomeriggio, il Prof ha deciso di continuare questa bell’attività con Focaccia e Sfincione, un tipo di pizza siciliana. L’idea è simile al caffè e chiacchiere dove …

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Prospect High School/University Of Wisconsin Madison

Ho studiato la matematica, la storia, la chimica, e le altre materie, ma nessuna di loro ha cambiato la mia vita come l’italiano. Nella classe d’italiano, ho partecipato ad una festa di Carnevale, ho camminato nella sfilata del giorno di Colombo, ho lavorato con un’azienda di olio d’oliva (Redoro), ho fatto parte di uno scambio, e mi sono innamorata dell’Italia. Dopo il liceo, ho ricevuto l’opportunità di studiare a Verona, lavorare alla bruschetteria di Redoro, e aiutare con le attività commerciali a Redoro in Grezzana. Alla Scuola Italiana Pizzaioli con il pizzaiolo Leo Spizzirri, ho imparato la scienza della pizza …

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Indian Trail Junior High School

Quest’anno circa 150 studenti stanno imparando l’italiano attraverso il programma Italiano di lingua mondiale all’Indian Trail Junior High a Addison, Illinois. Gli studenti del 7° grado hanno iniziato l’anno imparando i termini di conversazione di base. Inoltre, questi studenti ora possono contare da 1 a 100, descrivere il tempo e le stagioni usando la lingua italiana. In ottobre, gli studenti del 7° grado hanno creato mostri e descritto i mostri nella lingua Italiana. Nel 8° grado, gli studenti hanno appreso i mezzi di trasporto in Italia. Hanno anche imparato come ordinare in un ristorante in Italia. Più di recente, gli …

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East Leyden High School

Lo scorso venerdì c’è stato il Festival delle lingue moderne per le classi di francese, spagnolo e italiano. Il giorno prima gli alunni e gli insegnanti hanno iniziato a sistemare i tavoli e ad addobbare le pareti. Venerdì tutte queste classi si sono riunite nella palestra. Gli addobbi erano molto belli. Tutti giocavano, mangiavano, ballavano e si divertivano. Karolina dice: “Mi sono divertita a partecipare alle attività. Ho aiutato a preparare un ‘ojo de dios’ della cultura spagnola, ho mangiato un cannolo della cultura italiana e ho fatto altre attività. È stato davvero interessante vedere cose di altre culture.” Iris …

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Ciminnesi celebrate ‘happy’ holiday tradition

The tradition began two centuries ago, when a mid-December procession bearing the Madonna del Triunfu from Palermo to Ciminna arrived later than expected. “They were supposed to arrive at 6 p.m., but they didn’t make it into town until 1 a.m.,” explains Tony Napoli. “They had been eating and drinking along the way, so they were happy and dancing.” That same festive spirit will reign on the evening of Dec. 14, when Società SS. Crocifisso & San Giovanni Bosco di Ciminna hosts its annual Triunfu celebration with a Mass, procession and dinner at Casa Italia. (Frank Faraci, 847-909-5805)

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