The Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans has elected Enza Raineri as president. Raineri and her fellow officers were installed by the Hon. Gloria Coco at the JCCIA’s Christmas party in December. Joining Raineri as JCCIA officers are First Vice President Jon Zivojnovic; Second Vice President Mariann Gullo, Third Vice President Ron Onesti, Treasurer Christine Caliendo Cerami, Secretary Arlene Elia and Sergeant-at-Arms John Galluzzi. Vincenza “Enza” M. Raineri, President Enza Raineri serves as the associate clerk of the Criminal/Juvenile Bureau for the Hon. Dorothy Brown, clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Enza has oversight of the Criminal …
Read More »JCCIA hosts another successful Columbus Day Parade
The sun shined brightly on the 2016 Columbus Day Parade, which attracted one of the largest and most enthusiastic crowds in recent memory. The weather was glorious and the spectators stood five deep along State Street all the way from Monroe to Wacker. Buses filled with volunteers and parade goers left the grounds of Casa Italia in the early morning for the Mass, with a second wave departing later in the morning and heading directly for the parade. The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii was filled to capacity for the Mass, the altar was gorgeous with bouquets of flowers, …
Read More »Learning from history
In the column I wrote last month about widespread efforts to blot out Columbus Day, I touched upon a game-changing encounter that took place a quarter of a century ago. In July 1991, Native- and Italian-American leaders entered a room as adversaries and left as allies who embraced each other’s cultures and supported each other’s causes. As a result, peace reigned over Chicago’s quincentennial Columbus Day celebrations. But how exactly did this remarkable détente occur? For the answers, I turned to its principal architect: Dominic DiFrisco. A gifted public relations professional and talented mediator, he served as president of …
Read More »Defending Columbus
Columbus Day is under assault as never before. Once unabashedly celebrated throughout the land, it was hailed initially by President Harrison in 1892, designated a national holiday by President Roosevelt in 1934, and pegged to the second Monday in October by President Nixon in 1972. A couple of halcyon decades followed during which schools, banks and governmental agencies across the country closed each year in honor of the Admiral of the Ocean Sea. The hero of the day is particularly cherished by Italian Americans, who have celebrated his history-altering accomplishments and shared ancestry with parades that back to San …
Read More »JCCIA presents media awards
The Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans presented ABC7 Vice President and News Director Jennifer Graves with its prestigious Dante Award at its annual media luncheon. The honor is bestowed each year on a member of the media who lives up to Dante Alighieri’s call to be no timid friend to truth. A member of the ABC7 team since 1992 and its news director since 2001, Graves has earned numerous journalism awards. She has been a major contributor to the station’s cutting-edge technological advances, including the recent installation of ABC7’s state-of-the art news set; an all-digital newsroom; high-definition news; and …
Read More »Jessica Malpede reigns as queen on Columbus Day
Jessica Malpede was crowned Queen of the Columbus Day parade at a glittering pageant on Sept. 20 at Alta Villa Banquets in Addison. “‘Exciting’ doesn’t begin to describe the 2015 Columbus Day Queen Pageant,” JCCIA Executive Director Jo Ann Serpico says. “Enthusiasm radiated from the family members, friends and community leaders who attended, and the young women were perfect examples of confidence, courage and leadership.” Ron Onesti of Onesti Entertainment chaired the event and served as master of ceremonies, and Marilyn Fredericks handled the choreography. “Ron and Marilyn did a spectacular job of running this year’s pageant,” Serpico says. …
Read More »JCCIA honors Dold, Kirk
The Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans presented its Dante and Mazzei awards on May 29 at Galleria Marchetti, 825 W. Erie St., Chicago. Chicago Tribune Editorial Page Editor R. Bruce Dold received the Dante Award. The honor is bestowed each year on a member of the media who lives up to Dante Alighieri’s call to be no timid friend to truth. U.S. Senator Mark Kirk received the Mazzei Award. Named after the Revolutionary War patriot who inspired the phrase “all men are created equal,” the award is presented to a person who shows extraordinary skills in the world of public …
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Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans
2014 Columbus Day Parade
by Jo Ann Serpico Absence makes the heart grow fonder. After too long an absence from State Street, our community was longing for a return to our original parade route. “State Street, That Great Street” was the staging ground for one of the most fabulous Columbus Day parades in Chicago in years. The Carnevale characters, the man on stilts, the clowns, the marching bands, the procession of floats teeming with men, women and children happy to be a part of our phenomenal display, all made for a celebration beyond compare. Giovanni Gullo, this years exceptional Parade Chairman, led the front …
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