The Italian Catholic Federation Branch 392 presented the 2019 Mother Cabrini Award to Nicola and Maria Tenerelli on Nov. 10 at Porretta’s Banquets in Chicago. The award is given each year to a deserving couple that has demonstrated the Italian values of faith, family and community in their everyday lives.
Nicola and Maria were both born in Puglia, meeting and marrying after they moved to the Chicago area. The couple has been active in the Italian-American community in the Chicago area for many years.
Nicola and Maria joined the Madonna della Croce Society in 2005, Cegliesi Italo-American Association (CI-AMA) in 2008, and the Italian Catholic Federation of St. Peter the Apostle, Branch 418, in 2007. Nicola served as sergeant-at-arms for Madonna della Croce while Maria was on the social committee. Nicola serves as vice president of CI-AMA, and at ICF 418, Nicola has served as vice president and now as interim president and Maria has served at sentinel.
For details, call Teresa Helfand at 773-763-0507, Maria Perna at 708-307-7180 or Aurora Pensa at 773-589-9734.