It has unfolded on the last Sunday in July, year after year, decade after decade: the same wonderful Piana dei Greci Society picnic, and July 28 was no exception. But this year, the society celebrated its centennial event, and what a celebration it was!
The festivities were especially expansive, with more of everything to mark the occasion. There were proudly displayed lodge flags, banners and photos from past PDG events; a super-sized bocce tournament and egg toss; kids’ games galore; and a creative balloon artist.
Italian music floated through the air as Joe Martino serenaded the crowd on his accordion. Reminiscent of strolling concertina players from PDG picnics past, Joe thrilled the crowd with favorites from “Volare” to the tarantella and, yes, even the “Chicken Dance.” (Or should we say ballo del pollo?)
There were special PDG commemorative cups; trayfuls of Italian sausage, beef and peppers; and a delicious spread of salads and accompaniments. Multiple picnic tables featured an endless variety of Italian baked goods, including amaretti, cuccidati, sesame regina cookies, taralli and biscotti.
They came from across the country to celebrate, even the “New York Italians,” as they called themselves. Old and new friends gathered as extended generations marked the anniversary. Weren’t these parents just playing the kids’ games themselves a few short years ago? Time flies. Traditions continue and endure. Friends and memories are forever.
Tanti auguri alla vostre, PDG! Hai fatto bene!
— Lucy Latourette