OSIA state lodge elects officers



OSIIThe IL/WI Grand Lodge of the Order Sons of Italy in America held its 46th biennial convention in June. Elected to the Grand Council were Marie Marsalli, president; Frank Schiro, first vice president; Maria Mancini, second vice president; Richard Della Croce, immediate past president; James LasCola, orator; Judith Simoni, recording secretary; John Simoni, financial secretary; Carl Busateri, treasurer; Elia Kress, historian; the Rev. John Belmonte, chaplain; and Margurite Rowley, Christine Della Croce, Joseph Dentice and Anna DeLuca, trustees. Recently elected lodge presidents include Giacomo Mancini, Bert Jacobson, Anthony DiMiele, Joseph Emanuele, Ben Todaro, Leonard DePasquale and Paul Loparco.


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