Italian American Executives of Transportation
2014 Dinner Dance

The Italian American Executives of Transportation will honor Terrence J. Hancock as Man of the Year and LeeAnn Cali as Humanitarian of the Year at their 43rd Annual Dinner Dance. The event will take place on Nov. 22 at Alta Villa Banquets in Addison. For details, call 708-212-1051.

Terrence J. Hancock

Terrence J. Hancock
Terrence J. Hancock
Terrence J. Hancock joined the ranks of Teamsters Local Union No. 731 in 1979 as a rank-and-file semi-dump tractor-trailer chauffeur. In 1989, he was appointed as a Business Representative of Teamsters Local 731 and was later appointed Recording Secretary. In 1997 Terry rose to the position of Secretary-Treasurer.

International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa appointed Mr. Hancock in 1999 to serve as an International Representative assigned to the IBT Construction Division located in Washington, D.C.

The rank-and-file membership of Local 731 elected Mr. Hancock, as president in 2005. The following year, General President Hoffa appointed Mr. Hancock as the Central Region Coordinator of the International’s Solid Waste, Recycling and Related Industries Division.

In 2007, Mr. Hancock was elected to serve as Trustee of Teamsters Joint Council No. 25 and in 2008 was elected Recording Secretary prior to becoming Vice-President of Teamsters Joint Council No. 25.

Mr. Hancock serves as Co-Chairman on the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Teamsters/Employers Apprenticeship and Training Fund and has been appointed to the Executive Board of the Chicago Federation of Labor. He also serves as Trustee of the Italian American Labor Council as well as a Delegate of the Amalgamated Bank Labor Council Illinois/Metropolitan Chapter.

However, Terry’s proudest achievement is his position of President/Director of the “In Search of a Cure” Charitable Organization in honor of his beloved autistic son, Bryan, and on behalf of his entire family — a role for which he humbly seeks no recognition.

LeeAnn Cali

LeeAnn Cali
LeeAnn Cali
LeeAnn Cali is a second-generation Italian American, born in Chicago to Josephine and Anthony Nuccio. LeeAnn grew up with her brothers, Joseph and Anthony, in Old Town on Wells Street, surrounded with the love of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and first cousins who also lived in their three-flat.

A graduate of Rutherford Metropolitan Business College in Dallas, she has been married since 1960 to Vito P. Cali. They have three wonderful children: Vicki, who is married to David Zwieg; Joni, who is married to Bradley Grabow; and Philip, who is married to Debbie Rocco. She has six beautiful grandchildren, Elliot, Philip, Danielle, Vito, Maria and Leana, as well as two great-grandchildren, Elle Marie, and Rory.

With her family-orientated background and deep admiration for the elderly, LeeAnn had a vision to create a home for the elderly that would mirror the love and care she grew up with. Her dream to provide an environment that treated the elderly with love and dignity in a home-like atmosphere became a reality in 1993.

With the love and support of her husband, Vito, she turned their property in Delavan, Wisc., into Vintage on the Ponds, a Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF) that has won numerous awards, including 1st Runner Up by The Best of Walworth County for retirement facilities in 2013.

In 2006 LeeAnn was appointed Commissioner for the Health and Human Services Commission on Aging in Walworth County. She was instrumental in the creation of the Walworth County CBRF Network, as well as Family Care, which empowers the families of the elderly.

About Fra Noi

Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

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