2012 Columbus Day Parade

We are so thankful for another great year and another great day. God blessed us with dry, clear weather for our annual display of pride in our heritage. It’s teamwork, obviously, that results in a perfectly executed parade.

At the helm was Vincent Naccarato. It’s easy to see how Vincent, a successful businessman, reached the pinnacle of achievement. He required weekly meetings with weekly reports and updates on all aspects of the parade — front, line, bands, floats, marchers, convertibles — and his special weekly reference to a category we call “miscellaneous.” We thank you Vincent!

It took hundreds of volunteers to ensure the smooth flow from Casa Italia, to Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, to the wreath-laying ceremony at Arrigo Park, to the parade on Columbus Drive, then back to the Casa for a spectacular reception.

Our sincere most heartfelt thank you to:

* The Columbus Day Committee
* All the volunteers throughout the day
* The concelebrants at Mass
* The parade marshals
* The 2012 Columbus Day queen and her court
* Our Queen Isabella and Christopher Columbus
* Our elected officials
* The float sponsors
* The bands from far and near
* The marchers
* The providers of the convertibles
* The donors of the reviewing stand
* The donors of the microphones
* The providers of the ferraris
* All our generous advertises and sponsors
* All of the overwhelming donations for the breakfast and reception
* The City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
* The city of Chicago Department of Transportation
* ABC 7 television
* Our scriptwriter and announcers
* Our office staff

Please enjoy viewing the attached photos of the 2012 Columbus Day Parade.

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Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

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