Fra Noi

Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

ITAM Post 2 hosts Italian luncheon for Hines Blind Center vets

The Italian American War Veterans Joseph J. Gentile Post 2 sponsored an Italian luncheon on April 9 for 26 residents of the Hines VA Hospital Blind Center. A team of 15 volunteers and five high school students hosted the event, distributing colorful fedoras and decorating the party room with festive wall banners and tablecloths. A sumptuous buffet catered by Paul’s Pizza of Westchester was served. Mike Oliveri and Arthur Strout performed live music in a style reminiscent of Frank Sinatra. Festivities closed with delicious handcrafted cannoli and homemade Italian watermelon ice. Bellissimo! ITAM Post 2 was chartered in 1981 with …

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D’Amico combats valor thieves

Those who lie about serving in the armed forces in an effort to receive material benefits would face criminal charges under a new proposal co-sponsored by State Rep. John D’Amico. “Our military heroes make great personal sacrifices to protect our freedoms,” D’Amico said. “This proposal would ensure that the military men and women who put their lives on the line have access to the benefits they deserve, not some imposter.” Under the measure, fines would be leveed against anyone who obtains money, property or other benefits by falsely representing him or herself as an active-duty service member or veteran.

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Cocozza sworn in as associate judge

Jean M. Cocozza and 12 other associate judges were sworn in by Chief Cook County Circuit Judge Timothy C. Evans on May 9. Cocozza was appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to the Circuit Court of Cook County in 2013. She currently is assigned to the Paternity and Child Support Section of the Domestic Relations Division and sits on the Illinois Supreme Court’s Minimum Continuing Legal Education Board. Cocozza has served as an adjunct professor of Advocacy at Loyola University Chicago School of Law since 2009.

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Ciminnese society honors Vito Cali

Società San Giovanni Bosco SS. Crocifisso di Ciminna held its annual Man of the Year gala on March 6 at Alta Villa Banquets. The society was created in 1960 in honor of a patron saint who had dedicated his life to the betterment and education of children. San Giovanni Bosco, canonized in 1934, received the title “Father and Teacher of Youth.” The first president elected by the society was none other than its 2016 Man of the Year, President Emeritus Vito P. Cali. Current President Tony Napoli welcomed more than 600 attendees to the gala. Among them were the leaders …

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IAPC honors trio of titans

The Italian American Political Coalition hailed three community leaders at its Heritage Celebration on Feb. 25 at Elmcrest Banquets in Elmwood Park. Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans President Emeritus Dominic DiFrisco received the Founders Award, River Grove Mayor Marilynn Taccio May received the Public Service Award, and Italian American Human Relations Foundation founder Louis Rago received the William Paca Award. Pictured (From left) are IAPC President and Cook County Commissioner Peter Silvestri, May, DiFrisco, Rago, and IAPC Rules Chairman Rich Pellegrino.

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Clerk Brown honors De Orio

Catherine De Orio, host of WTTW’s “Check Please!”, was among 13 women in the culinary arts honored at the Women’s History Month Celebration hosted by Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown. The U.S. Bureau of Labor reports that there are more women managers and owners in the restaurant industry than in virtually any other profession, Brown noted, but only 21.5 percent of chefs or head cooks are women. “We’re proud to commemorate the progress women are making in the culinary arts at our awards program,” Brown said.

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Rep. D’Amico fights for O’Hare din reduction

Continuing his efforts to provide relief to residents affected by O’Hare airplane noise, State Rep. John D’Amico is sponsoring legislation to create a new tax credit for homeowners who soundproof their homes. “Airplane noise from O’Hare has a negative impact on many families in our community,” D’Amico said. “I am committed to finding creative new ways to reduce the impact of the noise and ensure that our neighborhoods are quiet places to raise our families. This legislation is just one way we are working to provide some relief to O’Hare-area residents.” D’Amico previously sponsored legislation to keep O’Hare’s diagonal runways …

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Justinian fund aids kids’ causes

The Justinian Society of Lawyers donated $4,000 each to Bear Necessities and Pro Bono Network at its 14th annual Children’s Endowment Fund dinner. Created by the Justinians during the presidency of Antonio M. Romanucci to assist disabled and disadvantaged children, the fund has made donations to causes such as Make-A-Wish Foundation, Illinois Eye Institute, and Ronald McDonald House. A principal and partner of Romanucci & Blandin, Romanucci serves as president of the CEF. Serving as treasurer is Frank A. Sommario, a fellow partner at Romanucci & Blandin and president-elect of the Justinians. “This year the Justinian Society was extremely proud …

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JCCIA presents media awards

The Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans presented ABC7 Vice President and News Director Jennifer Graves with its prestigious Dante Award at its annual media luncheon. The honor is bestowed each year on a member of the media who lives up to Dante Alighieri’s call to be no timid friend to truth. A member of the ABC7 team since 1992 and its news director since 2001, Graves has earned numerous journalism awards. She has been a major contributor to the station’s cutting-edge technological advances, including the recent installation of ABC7’s state-of-the art news set; an all-digital newsroom; high-definition news; and …

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CIACO honors John McCallion

The Chicagoland Italian American Charitable Organization honored John McCallion as Humanitarian of the Year at its annual Honor and Hope Gala on April 16 at Alta Villa Banquets in Addison. More than a dozen scholarships were presented at the event, along with donations to a wounded veteran and other worthy causes. McCallion grew up in Cicero, graduating from Morton East High School, Northern Illinois University and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. A financial adviser for Ameriprise for the last 30 years, he currently serves as the company’s managing director. He and his wife, Rosanne, have two …

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