Fra Noi

Fra Noi produces a magazine and website that serve the Chicago-area Italian-American community. Our magazine offers our readers a monthly feast of news and views, culture and entertainment that keeps our diverse and widely scattered readers in touch with each other and their heritage. Our website offers a dizzying array of information drawn from every corner of the local community.

2013 Dinner Dance

The Mola Foundation is truly honored to present the 2013 Arcangelo Award to Tony’s Finer Foods vice president and co-owner Domenico Gambino. “We give the Arcangelo Award to people who make a difference in the community, and that describes Domenic perfectly,” Mola Foundation President Tony Copertino explains. “Anytime the community needs help, he’s there to lend a hand. He’s always involved and always giving.” The youngest of eight children of Francesco and Maria Gambino, Domenico was born and raised in Ciminna, Sicily, along with siblings Maria, Andrea, Giuseppe, Salvatore, Domenica, Anna and Antonino. Scratching out a meager existence as farmers …

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2012 Awards Gala

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF), the premier national organization for Italian Americans, celebrated the rich culture and heritage of Italian Americans during the Foundation’s 37th Anniversary. Dinner Chairman, John Scarpa welcomed thousands of guests from across the United States and Italy to the annual black-tie dinner at the Washington Hilton on October 13, 2012. As the evening’s emcee, Mike Piazza, 12-time MLB All-Star, opened the gala awards ceremony in Italian “Buona Serata” and introduced NIAF President Joseph V. Del Raso, Esq., and the Foundation’s Chief Operating Officer John M. Viola. Together at the podium, they reinforced NIAF’s mission to …

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38th Anniversary Gala

From the dais looking out into the audience of about 1,200 at the NIAF 38th Anniversary Gala in the Washington Hilton Hotel’s International Ballroom, masters of ceremonies Maria Bartiromo and Joe Piscopo told guests how “incredibly delighted” they were to be at the event where so many people were celebrating the heritage, legacy and rich culture of Italian Americans. Bartiromo, the Emmy Award-winning journalist and CNBC Anchor, told a brief story of her family starting with her grandfather coming to America in 1919, then added, “So that is my history and why I’m so proud to be with you because …

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Pellegri Grant

The National Italian American Foundation is pleased to announce today a $500,000 grant from the late Ernest L. Pellegri, one of the Foundation’s donors, to the University of Maryland’s Department of Classics. Their project entitled, “Between Washington and Ancient Rome: The NIAF Pellegri Program on Roman Antiquity and Its Legacy in America,” was selected to receive the NIAF Ernest Pellegri Grant to support the study of Latin, ancient Roman archeology, and ancient Roman civilization; and to offer opportunities for students to study abroad, conduct research, and pursue fellowships in the United States and Italy. “NIAF Chairman Joseph V. Del Raso, …

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2012 Awards Gala

by Kelly O’Mara On Saturday, April 21, the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame celebrated its 2012 Awards Gala honoring Jim Corno, president of Comcast SportsNet, as the Sportsman of the Year and Joey Votto, Cincinnati Reds first baseman, as the Athlete of the Year. The Sportsman of the Year Award is presented to a business leader who is continually giving back to the community in never-ending support of charities and humanitarian causes. With more than 30 years in the regional sports television business in Chicago, Corno has undoubtedly made his mark in the industry. More important to him …

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2013 Induction Ceremony

On Saturday, November 2, 2013, the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame (NIASHF) officially inducted its Class of 2013 at a celebratory dinner dance. Welcoming guests from throughout the United States were NIASHF National Spokesman and New York Mets Hall of Famer Mike Piazza. Piazza was joined by Chicago radio and television sports broadcaster Wayne Randazzo as a co-host for the evening. The event was Co-Chaired by Tom Fioretti and Tony Iannessa. More than 250 guests attended the star-studded celebration that also included a silent auction of important and rare sports memorabilia, and dancing to the HiLine Band. The …

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2011 Columbus Banquet

The 87th annual Columbus Banquet hosted by the Grand Lodge of Illinois and Wisconsin, Order Sons of Italy in America, was held on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2011, at Villa Brunetti in Franklin Park. Stephen Martini, chairman for the event, welcomed the guests, and the emcee for the evening, the Honorable Anthony Calderone, Mayor of Forest Park, introduced the Grand Lodge officers, guests and dignitaries. Receiving OSIA’s 2011 Leadership Award was the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii as “Pillar of the Italian American Community for a Century.” In presenting the award, Grand Lodge President Marie Marsalli stated: “The Shrine has …

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2012 Leonardo da Vinci Gala

The Grand Lodge of IL & WI, Order Sons of Italy in America, hosted their 11th Annual Leonardo da Vinci Award of Excellence Gala on May 6, 2012, at BeauJolie by Victoria in Schiller Park. Chairperson for the event, Anna DeLuca, welcomed the honorees and guests and introduced Richard Della Croce, who sang the American National Anthem and the Italian National Anthem. Mr. Della Croce, Grand Lodge Immediate Past President and National Historian, served as emcee for the day. In presenting the awards to 14 distinguished Italian Americans, Grand Lodge President Marie Marsalli stated, “Our recipients walk among giants in …

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2012 Columbus Banquet

The Grand Lodge of Illinois & Wisconsin, Order Sons of Italy in America, hosted its 88th annual Columbus Banquet on Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012, at Villa Brunetti. Richard and Christine Della Croce, chairpersons for the event, welcomed the guests and the master of ceremonies for the evening, the Honorable Anthony Calderone, mayor of Forest Park, who introduced the Grand Lodge Officers, guests and dignitaries. Receiving the award for Humanitarian of 2012 was Frank Amaro, Illinois state commander of the Italian American War Veterans. In presenting the award, Grand Lodge President Marie Marsalli said, “Frank is truly deserving of this award …

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2013 Leonardo da Vinci Awards

Twelve worthy Italian Americans were honored with a Leonardo da Vinci Award of Excellence at the 12th Annual Gala held on May 5 at BeauJolie by Victoria in Schiller Park. The event is hosted annually by the Grand Lodge of Illinois & Wisconsin, Order Sons of Italy in America. Chairperson for the event Anna DeLuca welcomed honorees and guests, and introduced Richard Della Croce, who sang the American National Anthem and Italian National Anthem. Mr. Della Croce, Grand Lodge Immediate Past President and National Historian, served as emcee for the day. In the spirit of da Vinci, the order recognized …

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